Source code for ontobio.assoc_factory

Factory class for generating association sets based on a variety of handle types.

Currently only supports golr query

import networkx as nx
import pathlib
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import hashlib
from ontobio.golr.golr_associations import bulk_fetch
from ontobio.assocmodel import AssociationSet, AssociationSetMetadata
from import HpoaParser
from import GpadParser
from import GafParser
from ontobio.util.user_agent import get_user_agent
from collections import defaultdict

import json

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AssociationSetFactory(): """ Factory for creating AssociationSets Currently support for golr (GO and Monarch) is provided but other stores possible """ def __init__(self): """ initializes based on an ontology name """
[docs] def create(self, ontology=None,subject_category=None,object_category=None,evidence=None,taxon=None,relation=None, file=None, fmt=None, skim=True): """ creates an AssociationSet Currently, this uses an eager binding to a `ontobio.golr` instance. All compact associations for the particular combination of parameters are fetched. Arguments --------- ontology: an `Ontology` object subject_category: string representing category of subjects (e.g. gene, disease, variant) object_category: string representing category of objects (e.g. function, phenotype, disease) taxon: string holding NCBITaxon:nnnn ID """ meta = AssociationSetMetadata(subject_category=subject_category, object_category=object_category, taxon=taxon) if file is not None: return self.create_from_file(file=file, fmt=fmt, ontology=ontology, meta=meta, skim=skim)"Fetching assocs from store") assocs = bulk_fetch_cached(subject_category=subject_category, object_category=object_category, evidence=evidence, taxon=taxon)"Creating map for {} subjects".format(len(assocs))) amap = {} subject_label_map = {} for a in assocs: rel = a['relation'] subj = a['subject'] subject_label_map[subj] = a['subject_label'] amap[subj] = a['objects'] aset = AssociationSet(ontology=ontology, meta=meta, subject_label_map=subject_label_map, association_map=amap) return aset
[docs] def create_from_tuples(self, tuples, **args): """ Creates from a list of (subj,subj_name,obj) tuples """ amap = {} subject_label_map = {} for a in tuples: subj = a[0] subject_label_map[subj] = a[1] if subj not in amap: amap[subj] = [] amap[subj].append(a[2]) aset = AssociationSet(subject_label_map=subject_label_map, association_map=amap, **args) return aset
[docs] def create_from_assocs(self, assocs, **args): """ Creates from a list of association objects """ assocs = [a.to_hash_assoc() for a in assocs] print(json.dumps(assocs[0], indent=4)) amap = defaultdict(list) subject_label_map = {} for a in assocs: subj = a['subject'] subj_id = subj['id'] subj_label = subj['label'] subject_label_map[subj_id] = subj_label if not a['negated']: amap[subj_id].append(a['object']['id']) aset = AssociationSet(subject_label_map=subject_label_map, association_map=amap, **args) aset.associations_by_subj = defaultdict(list) aset.associations_by_subj_obj = defaultdict(list) for a in assocs: sub_id = a['subject']['id'] obj_id = a['object']['id'] aset.associations_by_subj[sub_id].append(a) aset.associations_by_subj_obj[(sub_id,obj_id)].append(a) return aset
[docs] def create_from_file(self, file=None, fmt='gaf', skim=True, **args): """ Creates from a file. If fmt is set to None then the file suffixes will be used to choose a parser. Arguments --------- file : str or file input file or filename fmt : str name of format e.g. gaf """ if fmt is not None and not fmt.startswith('.'): fmt = '.{}'.format(fmt) d = { '.gaf' : GafParser, '.gpad' : GpadParser, '.hpoa' : HpoaParser, } if fmt is None: filename = file if isinstance(file, str) else suffixes = pathlib.Path(filename).suffixes iterator = (fn() for ext, fn in d.items() if ext in suffixes) else: iterator = (fn() for ext, fn in d.items() if ext == fmt) try: parser = next(iterator) except StopIteration: logger.error("Format not recognized: {}".format(fmt))"Parsing {} with {}/{}".format(file, fmt, parser)) if skim: results = parser.skim(file) return self.create_from_tuples(results, **args) else: assocs = parser.parse(file, skipheader=True) return self.create_from_assocs(assocs, **args)
[docs] def create_from_gaf(self, file, **args): """ Creates from a GAF file """ return self.create_from_file(file, fmt='gaf', **args)
[docs] def create_from_phenopacket(self, file): """ Creates from a phenopacket file """ pass
[docs] def create_from_simple_json(self, file): """ Creates from a simple json rendering """ pass
[docs] def create_from_remote_file(self, group, snapshot=True, **args): """ Creates from remote GAF """ import requests url = "{}.gaf.gz".format(group) r = requests.get(url, stream=True, headers={'User-Agent': get_user_agent(modules=[requests], caller_name=__name__)}) p = GafParser() results = p.skim(r.raw) return self.create_from_tuples(results, **args)
def bulk_fetch_cached(**args):"Fetching assocs from store (will be cached)") return bulk_fetch(**args)