Source code for ontobio.lexmap

"""Lexical mapping of ontology classes

The core data structure used here is a Mapping Graph. This is a
networkx Graph object (i.e. singly labeled, non-directional) that
connects lexically mapped nodes between two ontologies.

Edge Properties

idpair: (string,string)
    the pair of identifiers mapped
score: number
    Number between 0 and 100 indicating strength of match based on multiple criteria
synonyms: (Synonym,Synonym)
    pair of Synonym objects (including primary labels) used to create mapping
simscores: (number, number)
    Semantic similarity A to B and B to A respectively.
    Note that false positives or negatives in the ancestors or descendants in the xref graph will lead to bias in these scores.
reciprocal_score: int
    A number between 0 and 4 that indicates whether this was a reciprocal best match (RBM), with additional gradation based on whether
    ties are included. We distinguish between a true BM and a tied BM. 4 indicates true RBM. 1 indicates reciprocal tied BM (ie both are tied BMs). 2 indicates a combo of
    a true BM and a tied BM.
    Note that ties are less likely if semantic similarity is considered in the match.

import networkx as nx
from networkx.algorithms import strongly_connected_components
import logging
import re
from ontobio.ontol import Synonym, Ontology
from collections import defaultdict
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math

from marshmallow import Schema, fields, pprint, post_load

LABEL_OR_EXACT = 'label_or_exact'
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def logit(p):
    return math.log2(p/(1-p))
def inv_logit(w):
    return 1/(1+2**(-w))

def default_wsmap():
    Default word to normalized synonym list
    return {

[docs]class LexicalMapEngine(): """ generates lexical matches between pairs of ontology classes """ SCORE='score' LEXSCORE='lexscore' SIMSCORES='simscores' CONDITIONAL_PR='cpr' def __init__(self, wsmap=default_wsmap(), config=None): """ Arguments --------- wdmap: dict maps words to normalized synonyms. config: dict A configuration conforming to LexicalMapConfigSchema """ # maps label or syn value to Synonym object self.lmap = {} # maps node id to synonym objects self.smap = {} self.wsmap = wsmap self.npattern = re.compile('[\W_]+') self.exclude_obsolete = True self.ontology_pairs = None self.id_to_ontology_map = defaultdict(list) self.merged_ontology = Ontology() self.config = config if config is not None else {} self.stats = {} def index_ontologies(self, onts):'Indexing: {}'.format(onts)) for ont in onts: self.index_ontology(ont)
[docs] def index_ontology(self, ont): """ Adds an ontology to the index This iterates through all labels and synonyms in the ontology, creating an index """ self.merged_ontology.merge([ont]) syns = ont.all_synonyms(include_label=True) include_id = self._is_meaningful_ids()"Include IDs as synonyms: {}".format(include_id)) if include_id: for n in ont.nodes(): v = n # Get fragment if v.startswith('http'): v = re.sub('.*/','',v) v = re.sub('.*#','',v) syns.append(Synonym(n, val=v, pred='label'))"Indexing {} syns in {}".format(len(syns),ont))"Distinct lexical values: {}".format(len(self.lmap.keys()))) for syn in syns: self.index_synonym(syn, ont) for nid in ont.nodes(): self.id_to_ontology_map[nid].append(ont)
def label(self, nid): return self.merged_ontology.label(nid)
[docs] def index_synonym(self, syn, ont): """ Index a synonym Typically not called from outside this object; called by `index_ontology` """ if not syn.val: if syn.pred == 'label': if not self._is_meaningful_ids(): if not ont.is_obsolete(syn.class_id): pass #logger.error('Use meaningful ids if label not present: {}'.format(syn)) else: logger.warning("Incomplete syn: {}".format(syn)) return if self.exclude_obsolete and ont.is_obsolete(syn.class_id): return syn.ontology = ont prefix,_ = ont.prefix_fragment(syn.class_id) v = syn.val caps_match = re.match('[A-Z]+',v) if caps_match: # if > 75% of length is caps, assume abbreviation if caps_match.span()[1] >= len(v)/3: syn.is_abbreviation(True) # chebi 'synonyms' are often not real synonyms # if not re.match('.*[a-zA-Z]',v): if prefix != 'CHEBI': logger.warning('Ignoring suspicous synonym: {}'.format(syn)) return v = self._standardize_label(v) # TODO: do this once ahead of time wsmap = {} for w,s in self.wsmap.items(): wsmap[w] = s for ss in self._get_config_val(prefix,'synsets',[]): # TODO: weights wsmap[ss['synonym']] = ss['word'] nv = self._normalize_label(v, wsmap) self._index_synonym_val(syn, v) nweight = self._get_config_val(prefix, 'normalized_form_confidence', 0.8) if nweight > 0 and not syn.is_abbreviation(): if nv != v: nsyn = Synonym(syn.class_id, val=syn.val, pred=syn.pred, lextype=syn.lextype, ontology=ont, confidence=syn.confidence * nweight) self._index_synonym_val(nsyn, nv)
def _index_synonym_val(self, syn, v): lmap = self.lmap smap = self.smap cid = syn.class_id if v not in lmap: lmap[v] = [] lmap[v].append(syn) if cid not in smap: smap[cid] = [] smap[cid].append(syn) def _standardize_label(self, v): # Add spaces separating camelcased strings v = re.sub('([a-z])([A-Z])',r'\1 \2',v) # always use lowercase when comparing # we may want to make this configurable in future v = v.lower() return v def _normalize_label(self, s, wsmap): """ normalized form of a synonym """ toks = [] for tok in list(set(self.npattern.sub(' ', s).split(' '))): if tok in wsmap: tok=wsmap[tok] if tok != "": toks.append(tok) toks.sort() return " ".join(toks) def _get_config_val(self, prefix, k, default=None): v = None for oc in self.config.get('ontology_configurations', []): if prefix == oc.get('prefix', ''): v = oc.get(k, None) if v is None: v = self.config.get(k, None) if v is None: v = default return v def _is_meaningful_ids(self): return self.config.get('meaningful_ids', False) def find_equiv_sets(self): return self.lmap
[docs] def get_xref_graph(self): """ Generate mappings based on lexical properties and return as nx graph. Algorithm ~~~~~~~~~ - A dictionary is stored between ref:`Synonym` values and synonyms. See ref:`index_synonym`. Note that Synonyms include the primary label - Each key in the dictionary is examined to determine if there exist two Synonyms from different ontology classes This avoids N^2 pairwise comparisons: instead the time taken is linear After initial mapping is made, additional scoring is performed on each mapping Edge properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The return object is a nx graph, connecting pairs of ontology classes. Edges are annotated with metadata about how the match was found: syns: pair pair of `Synonym` objects, corresponding to the synonyms for the two nodes score: int score indicating strength of mapping, between 0 and 100 Returns ------- Graph nx graph (bidirectional) """ # initial graph; all matches g = nx.MultiDiGraph() # lmap collects all syns by token items = self.lmap.items()"collecting initial xref graph, items={}".format(len(items))) i = 0 sum_nsyns = 0 n_skipped = 0 has_self_comparison = False if self.ontology_pairs: for (o1id,o2id) in self.ontology_pairs: if o1id == o2id: has_self_comparison = True for (v,syns) in items: sum_nsyns += len(syns) i += 1 if i % 1000 == 1:'{}/{} lexical items avgSyns={}, skipped={}'.format(i,len(items), sum_nsyns/len(items), n_skipped)) if len(syns) < 2: n_skipped += 1 next if len(syns) > 10:'Syns for {} = {}'.format(v,len(syns))) for s1 in syns: s1oid = s1cid = s1.class_id for s2 in syns: # optimization step: although this is redundant with _is_comparable, # we avoid inefficient additional calls if s1oid == and not has_self_comparison: next if s1cid != s2.class_id: if self._is_comparable(s1,s2): g.add_edge(s1.class_id, s2.class_id, syns=(s1,s2))"getting best supporting synonym pair for each match") # graph of best matches xg = nx.Graph() for i in g.nodes(): for j in g.neighbors(i): best = 0 bestm = None for m in g.get_edge_data(i,j).values(): (s1,s2) = m['syns'] score = self._combine_syns(s1,s2) if score > best: best = score bestm = m syns = bestm['syns'] xg.add_edge(i, j, score=best, lexscore=best, syns=syns, idpair=(i,j)) self.score_xrefs_by_semsim(xg) self.assign_best_matches(xg) if self.merged_ontology.xref_graph is not None: self.compare_to_xrefs(xg, self.merged_ontology.xref_graph) else: logger.error("No xref graph for merged ontology")"finished xref graph") return xg
# true if syns s1 and s2 should be compared. # - if ontology_pairs is set, then only consider (s1,s2) if their respective source ontologies are in the list of pairs # - otherwise compare all classes, but only in one direction def _is_comparable(self, s1, s2): if s1.class_id == s2.class_id: return False if self.ontology_pairs is not None: #logger.debug('TEST: {}{} in {}'.format(,, self.ontology_pairs)) return (, in self.ontology_pairs else: return s1.class_id < s2.class_id def _blanket(self, nid): nodes = set() for ont in self.id_to_ontology_map[nid]: nodes.update(ont.ancestors(nid)) nodes.update(ont.descendants(nid)) return list(nodes)
[docs] def score_xrefs_by_semsim(self, xg, ont=None): """ Given an xref graph (see ref:`get_xref_graph`), this will adjust scores based on the semantic similarity of matches. """"scoring xrefs by semantic similarity for {} nodes in {}".format(len(xg.nodes()), ont)) for (i,j,d) in xg.edges(data=True): pfx1 = self._id_to_ontology(i) pfx2 = self._id_to_ontology(j) ancs1 = self._blanket(i) ancs2 = self._blanket(j) s1,_,_ = self._sim(xg, ancs1, ancs2, pfx1, pfx2) s2,_,_ = self._sim(xg, ancs2, ancs1, pfx2, pfx1) s = 1 - ((1-s1) * (1-s2)) logger.debug("Score {} x {} = {} x {} = {} // {}".format(i,j,s1,s2,s, d)) xg[i][j][self.SIMSCORES] = (s1,s2) xg[i][j][self.SCORE] *= s
def _sim(self, xg, ancs1, ancs2, pfx1, pfx2): """ Compare two lineages """ xancs1 = set() for a in ancs1: if a in xg: # TODO: restrict this to neighbors in single ontology for n in xg.neighbors(a): pfx = self._id_to_ontology(n) if pfx == pfx2: xancs1.add(n) logger.debug('SIM={}/{} ## {}'.format(len(xancs1.intersection(ancs2)), len(xancs1), xancs1.intersection(ancs2), xancs1)) n_shared = len(xancs1.intersection(ancs2)) n_total = len(xancs1) return (1+n_shared) / (1+n_total), n_shared, n_total # given an ontology class id, # return map keyed by ontology id, value is a list of (score, ext_class_id) pairs def _neighborscores_by_ontology(self, xg, nid): xrefmap = defaultdict(list) for x in xg.neighbors(nid): score = xg[nid][x][self.SCORE] for ont in self.id_to_ontology_map[x]: xrefmap[].append( (score,x) ) return xrefmap # normalize direction def _dirn(self, edge, i, j): if edge['idpair'] == (i,j): return 'fwd' elif edge['idpair'] == (j,i): return 'rev' else: return None def _id_to_ontology(self, id): return self.merged_ontology.prefix(id) #onts = self.id_to_ontology_map[id] #if len(onts) > 1: # logger.warning(">1 ontology for {}".format(id))
[docs] def compare_to_xrefs(self, xg1, xg2): """ Compares a base xref graph with another one """ ont = self.merged_ontology for (i,j,d) in xg1.edges(data=True): ont_left = self._id_to_ontology(i) ont_right = self._id_to_ontology(j) unique_lr = True num_xrefs_left = 0 same_left = False if i in xg2: for j2 in xg2.neighbors(i): ont_right2 = self._id_to_ontology(j2) if ont_right2 == ont_right: unique_lr = False num_xrefs_left += 1 if j2 == j: same_left = True unique_rl = True num_xrefs_right = 0 same_right = False if j in xg2: for i2 in xg2.neighbors(j): ont_left2 = self._id_to_ontology(i2) if ont_left2 == ont_left: unique_rl = False num_xrefs_right += 1 if i2 == i: same_right = True (x,y) = d['idpair'] xg1[x][y]['left_novel'] = num_xrefs_left==0 xg1[x][y]['right_novel'] = num_xrefs_right==0 xg1[x][y]['left_consistent'] = same_left xg1[x][y]['right_consistent'] = same_right
[docs] def assign_best_matches(self, xg): """ For each node in the xref graph, tag best match edges """"assigning best matches for {} nodes".format(len(xg.nodes()))) for i in xg.nodes(): xrefmap = self._neighborscores_by_ontology(xg, i) for (ontid,score_node_pairs) in xrefmap.items(): score_node_pairs.sort(reverse=True) (best_score,best_node) = score_node_pairs[0]"BEST for {}: {} in {} from {}".format(i, best_node, ontid, score_node_pairs)) edge = xg[i][best_node] dirn = self._dirn(edge, i, best_node) best_kwd = 'best_' + dirn if len(score_node_pairs) == 1 or score_node_pairs[0] > score_node_pairs[1]: edge[best_kwd] = 2 else: edge[best_kwd] = 1 for (score,j) in score_node_pairs: edge_ij = xg[i][j] dirn_ij = self._dirn(edge_ij, i, j) edge_ij['cpr_'+dirn_ij] = score / sum([s for s,_ in score_node_pairs]) for (i,j,edge) in xg.edges(data=True): # reciprocal score is set if (A) i is best for j, and (B) j is best for i rs = 0 if 'best_fwd' in edge and 'best_rev' in edge: rs = edge['best_fwd'] * edge['best_rev'] edge['reciprocal_score'] = rs edge['cpr'] = edge['cpr_fwd'] * edge['cpr_rev']
def _best_match_syn(self, sx, sys, scope_map): """ The best match is determined by the highest magnitude weight """ SUBSTRING_WEIGHT = 0.2 WBEST = None sbest = None sxv = self._standardize_label(sx.val) sxp = self._id_to_ontology(sx.class_id) for sy in sys: syv = self._standardize_label(sy.val) syp = self._id_to_ontology(sy.class_id) W = None if sxv == syv: confidence = sx.confidence * sy.confidence if sx.is_abbreviation() or sy.is_abbreviation: confidence *= self._get_config_val(sxp, 'abbreviation_confidence', 0.5) confidence *= self._get_config_val(syp, 'abbreviation_confidence', 0.5) W = scope_map[sx.scope()][sy.scope()] + logit(confidence/2) elif sxv in syv: W = np.array((-SUBSTRING_WEIGHT, SUBSTRING_WEIGHT, 0, 0)) elif syv in sxv: W = np.array((SUBSTRING_WEIGHT, -SUBSTRING_WEIGHT, 0, 0)) if W is not None: # The best match is determined by the highest magnitude weight if WBEST is None or max(abs(W)) > max(abs(WBEST)): WBEST = W sbest = sy return WBEST, sbest
[docs] def weighted_axioms(self, x, y, xg): """ return a tuple (sub,sup,equiv,other) indicating estimated prior probabilities for an interpretation of a mapping between x and y. See kboom paper """ # TODO: allow additional weighting # weights are log odds w=log(p/(1-p)) # (Sub,Sup,Eq,Other) scope_pairs = [ ('label', 'label', 0.0, 0.0, 3.0,-0.8), ('label', 'exact', 0.0, 0.0, 2.5,-0.5), ('label', 'broad', -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), ('label', 'narrow', 1.0,-1.0, 0.0, 0.0), ('label', 'related', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ('exact', 'exact', 0.0, 0.0, 2.5,-0.5), ('exact', 'broad', -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), ('exact', 'narrow', 1.0,-1.0, 0.0, 0.0), ('exact', 'related', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ('related', 'broad', -0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0), ('related', 'narrow', 0.5,-0.5, 0.0, 0.0), ('related', 'related', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ('broad', 'broad', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), ('broad', 'narrow', -0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.2), ('narrow', 'narrow', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ] # populate symmetric lookup matrix scope_map = defaultdict(dict) for (l,r,w1,w2,w3,w4) in scope_pairs: l = l.upper() r = r.upper() scope_map[l][r] = np.array((w1,w2,w3,w4)) scope_map[r][l] = np.array((w2,w1,w3,w4)) # TODO: get prior based on ontology pair # cumulative sum of weights WS = None pfx1 = self._id_to_ontology(x) pfx2 = self._id_to_ontology(y) for mw in self.config.get('match_weights', []): mpfx1 = mw.get('prefix1','') mpfx2 = mw.get('prefix2','') X = np.array(mw['weights']) if mpfx1 == pfx1 and mpfx2 == pfx2: WS = X elif mpfx2 == pfx1 and mpfx1 == pfx2: WS = self._flipweights(X) elif mpfx1 == pfx1 and mpfx2 == '' and WS is None: WS = X elif mpfx2 == pfx1 and mpfx1 == '' and WS is None: WS = self._flipweights(X) if WS is None: WS = np.array((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # defaults WS += np.array(self.config.get('default_weights', [0.0, 0.0, 1.5, -0.1]))'WS defaults={}'.format(WS)) for xw in self.config.get('xref_weights', []): left = xw.get('left','') right = xw.get('right','') X = np.array(xw['weights']) if x == left and y == right: WS += X'MATCH: {} for {}-{}'.format(X, x, y)) elif y == left and x == right: WS += self._flipweights(X)'IMATCH: {}'.format(X)) smap = self.smap # TODO: symmetrical WT = np.array((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) WBESTMAX = np.array((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) n = 0 for sx in smap[x]: WBEST, _ = self._best_match_syn(sx, smap[y], scope_map) if WBEST is not None: WT += WBEST n += 1 if max(abs(WBEST)) > max(abs(WBESTMAX)): WBESTMAX = WBEST for sy in smap[y]: WBEST, _ = self._best_match_syn(sy, smap[x], scope_map) if WBEST is not None: WT += WBEST n += 1 # average best match if n > 0:'Adding BESTMAX={}'.format(WBESTMAX)) WS += WBESTMAX # TODO: xref, many to many WS += self._graph_weights(x, y, xg) # TODO: include additional defined weights, eg ORDO'Adding WS, gw={}'.format(WS)) # jaccard similarity (ss1,ss2) = xg[x][y][self.SIMSCORES] WS[3] += ((1-ss1) + (1-ss2)) / 2 # reciprocal best hits are higher confidence of equiv rs = xg[x][y]['reciprocal_score'] if rs == 4: WS[2] += 0.5 if rs == 0: WS[2] -= 0.2 #P = np.expit(WS) P = 1/(1+np.exp(-WS))'Final WS={}, init P={}'.format(WS, P)) # probs should sum to 1.0 P = P / np.sum(P) return P
def _graph_weights(self, x, y, xg): ont = self.merged_ontology xancs = ont.ancestors(x) yancs = ont.ancestors(y) pfx = self._id_to_ontology(x) pfy = self._id_to_ontology(y) xns = [n for n in xg.neighbors(y) if n != x and pfx == self._id_to_ontology(n)] yns = [n for n in xg.neighbors(x) if n != y and pfy == self._id_to_ontology(n)] pweight = 1.0 W = np.array((0,0,0,0)) card = '11' if len(xns) > 0: card = 'm1' for x2 in xns: if x2 in xancs: W[0] += pweight if x in ont.ancestors(x2): W[1] += pweight if len(yns) > 0: if card == '11': card = '1m' else: card = 'mm' for y2 in yns: if y2 in yancs: W[1] += pweight if y in ont.ancestors(y2): W[0] += pweight logger.debug('CARD: {}/{} <-> {}/{} = {} // X={} Y={} // W={}'.format(x,pfx, y,pfy, card, xns, yns, W)) invcard = card if card == '1m': invcard = 'm1' elif card == 'm1': invcard = '1m' CW = None DEFAULT_CW = None for cw in self.config.get('cardinality_weights', []): if 'prefix1' not in cw and 'prefix2' not in cw: if card == cw['cardinality']: DEFAULT_CW = np.array(cw['weights']) if invcard == cw['cardinality']: DEFAULT_CW = self._flipweights(np.array(cw['weights'])) if 'prefix1' in cw and 'prefix2' in cw: if pfx == cw['prefix1'] and pfy == cw['prefix2'] and card == cw['cardinality']: CW = np.array(cw['weights']) if pfx == cw['prefix2'] and pfy == cw['prefix1'] and invcard == cw['cardinality']: CW = self._flipweights(np.array(cw['weights'])) if CW is None: if DEFAULT_CW is not None: CW = DEFAULT_CW else: if card == '11': CW = np.array((0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)) elif card == '1m': CW = np.array((0.6, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0)) elif card == 'm1': CW = np.array((0.4, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0)) elif card == 'mm': CW = np.array((0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.5)) return W + CW def _flipweights(self, W): return np.array((W[1],W[0],W[2],W[3]))
[docs] def grouped_mappings(self,id): """ return all mappings for a node, grouped by ID prefix """ g = self.get_xref_graph() m = {} for n in g.neighbors(id): [prefix, local] = n.split(':') if prefix not in m: m[prefix] = [] m[prefix].append(n) return m
def unmapped_nodes(self, xg, rs_threshold=0): unmapped_set = set() for nid in self.merged_ontology.nodes(): if nid in xg: for (j,edge) in xg[nid].items(): rs = edge.get('reciprocal_score',0) if rs < rs_threshold: unmapped_set.add(nid) else: unmapped_set.add(nid) return unmapped_set def unmapped_dataframe(self, xg, **args): unodes = self.unmapped_nodes(xg, **args) ont = self.merged_ontology eg = ont.equiv_graph() items = [] for n in unodes: mapped_equivs = '' if n in eg: equivs = set(eg.neighbors(n)) mapped_equivs = list(equivs - unodes) items.append(dict(id=n,label=ont.label(n),mapped_equivs=mapped_equivs)) df = pd.DataFrame(items, columns=['id','label', 'mapped_equivs']) df = df.sort_values(["id"]) return df # scores a pairwise combination of synonyms. This will be a mix of # * individual confidence in the synonyms themselves # * confidence of equivalence based on scopes # TODO: unify this with probabilistic calculation def _combine_syns(self, s1,s2): cpred = self._combine_preds(s1.pred, s2.pred) s = self._pred_score(cpred) s *= s1.confidence * s2.confidence if s1.is_abbreviation() or s2.is_abbreviation(): s *= self._get_config_val(self._id_to_ontology(s1.class_id), 'abbreviation_confidence', 0.5) s *= self._get_config_val(self._id_to_ontology(s1.class_id), 'abbreviation_confidence', 0.5) logger.debug("COMBINED: {} + {} = {}/{}".format(s1,s2,cpred,s)) return round(s) def _rollup(self, p): if p == 'label': return LABEL_OR_EXACT if p == 'hasExactSynonym': return LABEL_OR_EXACT return p def _combine_preds(self, p1, p2): if p1 == p2: return p1 if self._rollup(p1) == self._rollup(p2): return self._rollup(p1) return p1 + p2 ## TODO: allow this to be weighted by ontology def _pred_score(self,p): if p == 'label': return 100 if p == LABEL_OR_EXACT: return 90 if p == 'hasExactSynonym': return 90 return 50 def _in_clique(self, x, cliques): for s in cliques: if x in s: return s return set() def as_dataframe(self, xg): cliques = self.cliques(xg) ont = self.merged_ontology items = [] for (x,y,d) in xg.edges(data=True): # xg is a non-directional Graph object. # to get a deterministic ordering we use the idpair key (x,y) = d['idpair'] (s1,s2)=d['syns'] (ss1,ss2)=d['simscores'] clique = self._in_clique(x, cliques) #ancs = nx.ancestors(g,x) left_label = ont.label(x) right_label = ont.label(y) if ont.is_obsolete(x) and not left_label.startwith('obsolete'): left_label = "obsolete " + left_label if ont.is_obsolete(y) and not right_label.startwith('obsolete'): right_label = "obsolete " + right_label P = self.weighted_axioms(x,y,xg) item = {'left':x, 'left_label':left_label, 'right':y, 'right_label':right_label, 'score':d['score'], 'left_match_type': s1.pred, 'right_match_type': s2.pred, 'left_match_val': s1.val, 'right_match_val': s2.val, 'left_simscore':ss1, 'right_simscore':ss2, 'reciprocal_score':d.get('reciprocal_score',0), 'conditional_pr_equiv': d.get('cpr'), 'pr_subClassOf': P[0], 'pr_superClassOf': P[1], 'pr_equivalentTo': P[2], 'pr_other': P[3], 'left_novel': d.get('left_novel'), 'right_novel': d.get('right_novel'), 'left_consistent': d.get('left_consistent'), 'right_consistent': d.get('right_consistent'), 'equiv_clique_size': len(clique)} items.append(item) ix = ['left', 'left_label', 'right', 'right_label', 'left_match_type', 'right_match_type', 'left_match_val', 'right_match_val', 'score', 'left_simscore', 'right_simscore', 'reciprocal_score', 'conditional_pr_equiv', 'pr_subClassOf', 'pr_superClassOf', 'pr_equivalentTo', 'pr_other', 'left_novel', 'right_novel', 'left_consistent', 'right_consistent', 'equiv_clique_size'] df = pd.DataFrame(items, columns=ix) df = df.sort_values(["left","score","right"]) return df
[docs] def cliques(self, xg): """ Return all equivalence set cliques, assuming each edge in the xref graph is treated as equivalent, and all edges in ontology are subClassOf Arguments --------- xg : Graph an xref graph Returns ------- list of sets """ g = nx.DiGraph() for (x,y) in self.merged_ontology.get_graph().edges(): g.add_edge(x,y) for (x,y) in xg.edges(): g.add_edge(x,y) g.add_edge(y,x) return list(strongly_connected_components(g))
### MARSHMALLOW SCHEMAS class ScopeWeightMapSchema(Schema): """ Maps scope predicates (label, hasExactSynonym etc) to weights (0<=1.0). Typically labels and exact matches have higher weight, although this may vary with ontology """ label = fields.Float(default=1.0, description="weight of label matches") hasExactSynonym = fields.Float(default=0.9, description="weight of exact matches") hasRelatedSynonym = fields.Float(default=0.0, description="weight of related matches") hasBroadSynonym = fields.Float(default=-0.2, description="weight of broad matches") hasNarrowSynonym = fields.Float(default=-0.2, description="weight of narrow matches") other = fields.Float(default=-0.5, description="weight of other kinds of matches") class OntologyConfigurationSchema(Schema): """ configuration that is specific to an ontology """ prefix = fields.String(description="prefix of IDs in ontology, e.g. UBERON") scope_weight_map = fields.Nested(ScopeWeightMapSchema(), description="local scope-weight map") normalized_form_confidence = fields.Float(description="confidence of a synonym value derived via normalization (e.g. canonical ordering of tokens)") abbreviation_confidence = fields.Float(default=0.5, description="confidence of an abbreviation") class CardinalityWeights(Schema): """ Weights for different cardinality combinations, """ prefix1 = fields.String(description="prefix of IDs in ontology, e.g. MA") prefix2 = fields.String(description="prefix of IDs in ontology, e.g. ZFA") cardinality = fields.String(description="One of 11, 1m, m1 or mm") weights = fields.List(fields.Float(), description="Sub/Sup/Eq/Other") class MatchWeights(Schema): """ Default weights for a pair of ontologies """ prefix1 = fields.String(description="prefix of IDs in ontology, e.g. MA") prefix2 = fields.String(description="prefix of IDs in ontology, e.g. ZFA") weights = fields.List(fields.Float(), description="Sub/Sup/Eq/Other") class XrefWeights(Schema): """ Default weights for a pair of classes """ left = fields.String(description="ID of first class") right = fields.String(description="ID of second class") weights = fields.List(fields.Float(), description="Sub/Sup/Eq/Other") class LexicalMapConfigSchema(Schema): """ global configuration """ scope_weight_map = fields.Nested(ScopeWeightMapSchema(), description="global scope-weight map. May be overridden by ontologies") ontology_configurations = fields.List(fields.Nested(OntologyConfigurationSchema()), description="configurations that are specific to an ontology") normalized_form_confidence = fields.Float(default=0.8, description="confidence of a synonym value derived via normalization (e.g. canonical ordering of tokens)") abbreviation_confidence = fields.Float(default=0.5, description="confidence of an abbreviation") match_weights = fields.List(fields.Nested(MatchWeights())) cardinality_weights = fields.List(fields.Nested(CardinalityWeights())) xref_weights = fields.List(fields.Nested(XrefWeights()))