Source code for ontobio.model.association

This contains the data model for parsing annotations from GAF and GPAD.

The idea is to make it easy to parse text lines of any source into a GoAssociation object
and then give the GoAssociation object the ability to convert itself into GPAD or GAF 
of any version. Or any other format that is required.


import json
import typing
import collections
import enum
import datetime
import re
import logging

import bidict
from prefixcommons import curie_util

from ontobio.rdfgen import relations
from ontobio.ecomap import EcoMap

ecomap = EcoMap()

from typing import List, Optional, NamedTuple, Dict, Callable, Union, TypeVar, Tuple
from dataclasses import dataclass

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Aspect = typing.NewType("Aspect", str)
Provider = typing.NewType("Provider", str)
Date = collections.namedtuple("Date", ["year", "month", "day", "time"])

def ymd_str(date: Date, separator: str) -> str:
    return "{year}{sep}{month}{sep}{day}".format(year=date.year, sep=separator, month=date.month,

[docs]@dataclass class Error: info: str entity: str = "" def is_error(self): return True
[docs]def TwoTupleStr(items: List[str]) -> tuple: """ Create a tuple of of str that is guaranteed to be of length two from a list If the list is larger, then only the first two elements will be used. If the list is smaller, then the empty string will be used """ if len(items) > 2: items = items[:2] if len(items) < 2: items += [""] * (2 - len(items)) return tuple([str(i) for i in items])
def parse_annotation_properties(properties_field: str) -> List[tuple]: properties_list = [TwoTupleStr(prop.split("=", maxsplit=1)) for prop in properties_field.split("|") if prop] return properties_list
[docs]@dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class Curie: """ Object representing a Compact URI, with a namespace identifier along with an ID, like GO:1234567. Use `from_str` to parse a string like "GO:1234567" into a Curie. The result should be checked for errors with `is_error` """ namespace: str identity: str def __str__(self) -> str: return "{}:{}".format(self.namespace, self.identity) @classmethod def from_str(Curie, entity: str): splitup = entity.split(":", maxsplit=1) splitup += [""] * (2 - len(splitup)) namespace, identity = splitup if namespace == "" and identity == "": return Error("Namespace and Identity of CURIE is empty") if namespace == "": return Error("Namespace of CURIE is empty") if identity == "": return Error("Identity of CURIE is empty") if " " in namespace or " " in identity: return Error("No spaces allowed in CURIEs") return Curie(namespace, identity) def is_error(self) -> bool: return False
[docs]@dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class Subject: id: Curie label: str """ label is also `DB_Object_Symbol` in the GPI spec """ fullname: List[str] """ fullname is also `DB_Object_Name` in the GPI spec, cardinality 0+ """ synonyms: List[str] """ Cardinality 0+ """ type: List[Curie] """ In GPI 1.2, this was a string, corresponding to labels of the Sequence Ontology gene, protein_complex; protein; transcript; ncRNA; rRNA; tRNA; snRNA; snoRNA, any subclass of ncRNA. If the specific type is unknown, use `gene_product`. When reading gpi 1.2, these labels should be mapped to the 2.0 spec, stating that the type must be a Curie in the Sequence Ontology OR Protein Ontology OR Gene Ontology In GPI 1.2, there is only 1 value, and is required. In GPI 2.0 there is a minimum of 1, but maybe more. If writing out to GPI 1.2/GAF just take the first value in the list. """ taxon: Curie """ Should be NCBITaxon:... """ encoded_by: List[Curie] """ Optional, or cardinality 0+ """ parents: List[Curie] """ Optional, or cardinality 0+ """ contained_complex_members: List[Curie] """ Optional, or cardinality 0+ """ db_xrefs: List[Curie] """ Optional, or cardinality 0+ """ properties: Dict[str, str] """ Optional, or cardinality 0+ """ def __init__(self, id: Curie, label: str, fullname: List[str], synonyms: List[str], type: Union[List[str], List[Curie]], taxon: Curie, encoded_by: List[Curie]=None, parents: List[Curie]=None, contained_complex_members: List[Curie]=None, db_xrefs: List[Curie]=None, properties: Dict=None): if len(type) > 0: if isinstance(type[0], str): # If the incoming `type` list is strings, then they are labels, so convert to Curie self.type = [map_gp_type_label_to_curie(t) for t in type] else: # We will assume that incoming type is a Curie at this point, if not a string self.type = type else: # If we didn't receive anything, then default to "gene_produce" self.type = [Curie(namespace="CHEBI", identity="33695")] = id self.label = label self.fullname = fullname self.synonyms = synonyms self.taxon = taxon self.encoded_by = encoded_by if encoded_by else [] self.parents = parents if parents else [] self.contained_complex_members = contained_complex_members if contained_complex_members else [] self.db_xrefs = db_xrefs if db_xrefs else [] = properties if properties else dict()
[docs] def fullname_field(self, max=None) -> str: """ Converts the `fullname` or `DB_Object_Name` into the field text string used in files """ if not max: max = len(self.fullname) return "|".join([n for n in self.fullname[0:max]])
# =============================================================================== __default_entity_type_to_curie_mapping = bidict.bidict({ "protein_coding_gene": Curie.from_str("SO:0001217"), "snRNA": Curie.from_str("SO:0000274"), "ncRNA": Curie.from_str("SO:0000655"), "rRNA": Curie.from_str("SO:0000252"), "mRNA": Curie.from_str("SO:0000234"), "lnc_RNA": Curie.from_str("SO:0001877"), "lincRNA": Curie.from_str("SO:0001463"), "tRNA": Curie.from_str("SO:0000253"), "snoRNA": Curie.from_str("SO:0000275"), "miRNA": Curie.from_str("SO:0000276"), "RNA": Curie.from_str("SO:0000356"), "scRNA": Curie.from_str("SO:0000013"), "piRNA": Curie.from_str("SO:0001035"), "tmRNA": Curie.from_str("SO:0000584"), "SRP_RNA": Curie.from_str("SO:0000590"), "primary_transcript": Curie.from_str("SO:0000185"), "ribozyme": Curie.from_str("SO:0000374"), "telomerase_RNA": Curie.from_str("SO:0000390"), "RNase_P_RNA": Curie.from_str("SO:0000386"), "antisense_RNA": Curie.from_str("SO:0000644"), "RNase_MRP_RNA": Curie.from_str("SO:0000385"), "guide_RNA": Curie.from_str("SO:0000602"), "hammerhead_ribozyme": Curie.from_str("SO:0000380"), "protein": Curie.from_str("PR:000000001"), "pseudogene": Curie.from_str("SO:0000336"), "gene": Curie.from_str("SO:0000704"), "biological region": Curie.from_str("SO:0001411"), "protein_complex": Curie.from_str("GO:0032991"), "transcript": Curie.from_str("SO:0000673"), "gene_product": Curie.from_str("CHEBI:33695"), "antisense_lncRNA": Curie.from_str("SO:0001904"), "transposable_element_gene": Curie.from_str("SO:0000111"), "gene_segment": Curie.from_str("SO:3000000"), "genetic_marker": Curie.from_str("SO:0001645"), "lincRNA_gene": Curie.from_str("SO:0001641"), "lncRNA_gene": Curie.from_str("SO:0002127"), "miRNA_gene": Curie.from_str("SO:0001265"), "ncRNA_gene": Curie.from_str("SO:0001263"), "RNase_MRP_RNA_gene": Curie.from_str("SO:0001640"), "RNase_P_RNA_gene": Curie.from_str("SO:0001639"), "rRNA_gene": Curie.from_str("SO:0001637"), "scRNA_gene": Curie.from_str("SO:0001266"), "sense_intronic_ncRNA_gene": Curie.from_str("SO:0002184"), "sense_overlap_ncRNA_gene": Curie.from_str("SO:0002183"), "snoRNA_gene": Curie.from_str("SO:0001267"), "snRNA_gene": Curie.from_str("SO:0001268"), "SRP_RNA_gene": Curie.from_str("SO:0001269"), "telomerase_RNA_gene": Curie.from_str("SO:0001643"), "tRNA_gene": Curie.from_str("SO:0001272") })
[docs]def map_gp_type_label_to_curie(type_label: str) -> Curie: """ Map entity types in GAF or GPI 1.2 into CURIEs in Sequence Ontology (SO), Protein Ontology (PRO), or Gene Ontology (GO). This is a measure to upgrade the pseudo-labels into proper Curies. Present here are the existing set of labels in current use, and how they should be mapped into CURIEs. """ # normalized_label = type_label.translate() global __default_entity_type_to_curie_mapping return __default_entity_type_to_curie_mapping.get(type_label, __default_entity_type_to_curie_mapping["gene_product"])
[docs]def gp_type_label_to_curie(type: Curie) -> str: """ This is the reverse of `map_gp_type_label_to_curie` """ global __default_entity_type_to_curie_mapping return __default_entity_type_to_curie_mapping.inverse.get(type, "gene_product")
[docs]@dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class Term: """ Represents a Gene Ontology term """ id: Curie taxon: Curie
C = TypeVar("C")
[docs]@dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class ConjunctiveSet: """ This respresents a comma separated list of objects which can be turned into strings. This is used for the with/from and extensions fields in the GoAssociation. The field `elements` can be a list of Curie or ExtensionUnit. Curie for with/from, and ExtensionUnit for extensions field. """ elements: List def __str__(self) -> str: return ",".join([str(conj) for conj in self.elements])
[docs] def display(self, conjunct_to_str=lambda c: str(c)) -> str: """ Convert this ConjunctiveSet to a string separateted by commas. This calls `conjunct_to_str` (which defaults to `str`) on each element before joining. To use a different string representation of each element, pass in a different function. This functionality is used to differentiate between GPAD 1.2 and GPAD 2.0, where relations are written differently per version. """ return ",".join([conjunct_to_str(conj) for conj in self.elements])
[docs] @classmethod def list_to_str(ConjunctiveSet, conjunctions: List, conjunct_to_str=lambda c: str(c)) -> str: """ List should be a list of ConjunctiveSet Given [ConjunctiveSet, ConjunctiveSet], this will call ConjunctiveSet.display() using the `conjunct_to_str` function (which defaults to `str`) and join them with a pipe. To have elements of the ConjunctiveSet displayed differently, use a different `conjunct_to_str` function. This functionality is used to differentiate between GPAD 1.2 and GPAD 2.0, where relations are written differently per version. """ return "|".join([conj.display(conjunct_to_str=conjunct_to_str) for conj in conjunctions])
[docs] @classmethod def str_to_conjunctions(ConjunctiveSet, entity: str, conjunct_element_builder: Union[C, Error]=lambda el: Curie.from_str(el)) -> Union[List[C], Error]: """ Takes a field that conforms to the pipe (|) and comma (,) separator type. The parsed version is a list of pipe separated values which are themselves a comma separated list. If the elements inside the comma separated list should not just be strings, but be converted into a value of a type, `conjunct_element_builder` can be provided which should take a string and return a parsed value or an instance of an Error type (defined above). If there is an error in producing the values of the conjunctions, then this function will return early with the error. This function will return a List of ConjunctiveSet """ conjunctions = [] for conj in filter(None, entity.split("|")): conjunct = [] for el in filter(None, conj.split(",")): built = conjunct_element_builder(el) if isinstance(built, Error): # Returning an Error instance return built conjunct.append(built) conjunctions.append(ConjunctiveSet(conjunct)) return conjunctions
def is_error(self) -> bool: return False
[docs]@dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class Evidence: type: Curie # Curie of the ECO class has_supporting_reference: List[Curie] with_support_from: List[ConjunctiveSet] def _supporting_reference_to_str(self) -> Optional[str]: references = [] stringed_references = '' if self.has_supporting_reference is not None: for reference in self.has_supporting_reference: references.append(str(reference)) for item in references: stringed_references += item return stringed_references def _with_support_from_to_str(self) -> Optional[str]: withfroms = [] stringed_withfroms = '' if self.with_support_from is not None: for withfrom in self.with_support_from: withfroms.append(str(withfrom)) for item in withfroms: stringed_withfroms += item return stringed_withfroms def gaf_evidence_code(self): gaf_ev_code = ecomap.ecoclass_to_coderef(str(self.type))[0] if gaf_ev_code is None: gaf_ev_code = ecomap.ecoclass_to_coderef(str(self.type), derived=True)[0] return gaf_ev_code
relation_tuple = re.compile(r'([\w]+)\((\w+:[\w][\w\.:\-]*)\)') curie_relation_tuple = re.compile(r"(.+)\((.+)\)")
[docs]@dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class ExtensionUnit: """ An ExtensionUnit is a single element of the extensions field of GAF or GPAD. This consists of a relation and a term. Create an ExtensionUnit with `from_str` or `from_curie_str`. If there is an error in parsing then `Error` is returned. Results from these functions should be checked for `Error`. The string representation will depend on the format, and so the `display` method should be used. By default this will write the relation using the label with undercores (example: part_of) as defined in To write the relation as a CURIE (as in gpad 2.0), set parameter `use_rel_label` to `True`. """ relation: Curie term: Curie
[docs] @classmethod def from_str(ExtensionUnit, entity: str) -> Union: """ Attempts to parse string entity as an ExtensionUnit If the `relation(term)` is not formatted correctly, an Error is returned. If the `relation` cannot be found in the `relations` dictionary then an error is also returned. """ parsed = relation_tuple.findall(entity) if len(parsed) == 1: rel, term = parsed[0] rel_uri = relations.lookup_label(rel) if rel_uri is None: # print("Error because rel_uri isn't in the file: {}".format(rel)) return Error(entity) term_curie = Curie.from_str(term) rel_curie = relations.obo_uri_to_curie(rel_uri) if isinstance(term_curie, Error): # print("Error because term is screwed up: {}".format(term)) return Error("`{}`: {}".format(term, return ExtensionUnit(rel_curie, term_curie) else: # print("Just couldn't even parse it at all: {}".format(entity)) return Error(entity)
[docs] @classmethod def from_curie_str(ExtensionUnit, entity: str) -> Union: """ Attempts to parse string entity as an ExtensionUnit If the `relation(term)` is not formatted correctly, an Error is returned. `relation` is a Curie, and so is any errors in formatting are delegated to Curie.from_str() """ parsed = curie_relation_tuple.findall(entity) if len(parsed) == 1: rel, term = parsed[0] rel_curie = Curie.from_str(rel) term_curie = Curie.from_str(term) if term_curie.is_error(): return Error("`{}`: {}".format(term, if rel_curie.is_error(): return Error("`{}`: {}".format(rel, return ExtensionUnit(rel_curie, term_curie) else: return Error(entity)
def __str__(self) -> str: """ Display Curie(term) """ return self.display()
[docs] def display(self, use_rel_label=False): """ Turns the ExtensionUnit into a string. By default this uses the ontobio.rdfgen.relations module to lookup the relation label. To use the CURIE instead, pass `use_rel_label=True`. """ rel = str(self.relation) if use_rel_label: rel = self.__relation_to_label() return "{rel}({term})".format(rel=rel, term=self.term)
def __relation_to_label(self) -> str: # Curie -> expand to URI -> reverse relation lookup Label return relations.lookup_uri(relations.curie_to_obo_uri(self.relation)) def to_hash(self, use_label=False) -> dict: rel = self.__relation_to_label() if use_label else str(self.relation) return { "property": rel, "filler": str(self.term) }
[docs]@dataclass(repr=True, unsafe_hash=True) class GoAssociation: """ The internal model used by the parsers and qc Rules engine that all annotations are parsed into. If an annotation textual line cannot be parsed into a GoAssociation then it is not a well formed line. This class provides several methods to convert this GoAssociation into other representations, like GAF and GPAD of each version, as well as the old style dictionary Association that this class replaced (for compatibility if needed). Each parser has its own function or functions that converts an annotation line into a GoAssociation, and this is the first phase of parsing. In general, GoAssociations are only created by the parsers. """ source_line: Optional[str] subject: Subject relation: Curie # This is the relation Curie object: Term negated: bool qualifiers: List[Curie] aspect: Optional[Aspect] interacting_taxon: Optional[Curie] evidence: Evidence subject_extensions: List[ExtensionUnit] object_extensions: List[ConjunctiveSet] provided_by: Provider date: Date properties: List[Tuple[str, str]]
[docs] def to_gaf_2_1_tsv(self) -> List: """ Converts the GoAssociation into a "TSV" columnar GAF 2.1 row as a list of strings. """ gp_isoforms = "" if not self.subject_extensions else self.subject_extensions[0].term allowed_qualifiers = {"contributes_to", "colocalizes_with"} # Curie Object -> CURIE Str -> URI -> Label qual_labels = [relations.lookup_uri(curie_util.expand_uri(str(q), strict=False)) for q in self.qualifiers] if len(qual_labels) == 1 and qual_labels[0] not in allowed_qualifiers: logger.warning("Cannot write qualifier `{}` in GAF version 2.1 since only {} are allowed: skipping".format(self.qualifiers[0], ", ".join(allowed_qualifiers))) # If the qualifier is wrong, blank out the qualifiers qual_labels = [] if self.negated: qual_labels.append("NOT") qualifier = "|".join(qual_labels) self.object.taxon.namespace = "taxon" taxon = str(self.object.taxon) if self.interacting_taxon: self.interacting_taxon.namespace = "taxon" taxon = "{taxon}|{interacting}".format(taxon=taxon, interacting=str(self.interacting_taxon)) # For extensions, we provide the to string function on ConjunctElement that # calls its `display` method, with the flag to use labels instead of the CURIE. # This function is used to turn the whole column correctly into a string return [,, self.subject.label, qualifier, str(, "|".join([str(ref) for ref in self.evidence.has_supporting_reference]), self.evidence.gaf_evidence_code(), ConjunctiveSet.list_to_str(self.evidence.with_support_from), self.aspect if self.aspect else "", self.subject.fullname_field(), "|".join(self.subject.synonyms), gp_type_label_to_curie(self.subject.type[0]), taxon, ymd_str(, ""), self.provided_by, ConjunctiveSet.list_to_str(self.object_extensions, conjunct_to_str=lambda conj: conj.display(use_rel_label=True)), gp_isoforms ]
[docs] def to_gaf_2_2_tsv(self) -> List: """ Converts the GoAssociation into a "TSV" columnar GAF 2.2 row as a list of strings. """ gp_isoforms = "" if not self.subject_extensions else self.subject_extensions[0].term qual_labels = [relations.lookup_uri(curie_util.expand_uri(str(q), strict=False)) for q in self.qualifiers] if self.negated: qual_labels.insert(0, "NOT") qualifier = "|".join(qual_labels) self.object.taxon.namespace = "taxon" taxon = str(self.object.taxon) if self.interacting_taxon: self.interacting_taxon.namespace = "taxon" taxon = "{taxon}|{interacting}".format(taxon=taxon, interacting=str(self.interacting_taxon)) return [,, self.subject.label, qualifier, str(, "|".join([str(ref) for ref in self.evidence.has_supporting_reference]), self.evidence.gaf_evidence_code(), ConjunctiveSet.list_to_str(self.evidence.with_support_from), self.aspect if self.aspect else "", self.subject.fullname_field(), "|".join(self.subject.synonyms), gp_type_label_to_curie(self.subject.type[0]), taxon, ymd_str(, ""), self.provided_by, ConjunctiveSet.list_to_str(self.object_extensions, conjunct_to_str=lambda conj: conj.display(use_rel_label=True)), gp_isoforms ]
[docs] def to_gpad_1_2_tsv(self) -> List: """ Converts the GoAssociation into a "TSV" columnar GPAD 1.2 row as a list of strings. """ # Curie Object -> CURIE Str -> URI -> Label qual_labels = [relations.lookup_uri(curie_util.expand_uri(str(q), strict=False)) for q in self.qualifiers] # Try qualifiers first since, if we are going from GAF -> GPAD and the GAF had a qualifier, that would be # more specific than the relation, which is calculated from the aspect/Go term. if qual_labels == []: # If there were no qualifiers, then we'll use the Relation. Gpad requires at least one qualifier (which is the relation) qual_labels.append(relations.lookup_uri(curie_util.expand_uri(str(self.relation), strict=False))) if self.negated: qual_labels = ["NOT"] + qual_labels qualifier = "|".join(qual_labels) props_list = ["{key}={value}".format(key=key, value=value) for key, value in] return [,, qualifier, str(, "|".join([str(ref) for ref in self.evidence.has_supporting_reference]), str(self.evidence.type), ConjunctiveSet.list_to_str(self.evidence.with_support_from), str(self.interacting_taxon) if self.interacting_taxon else "", ymd_str(, ""), self.provided_by, ConjunctiveSet.list_to_str(self.object_extensions, conjunct_to_str=lambda conj: conj.display(use_rel_label=True)), "|".join(props_list) ]
[docs] def to_gpad_2_0_tsv(self) -> List: """ Converts the GoAssociation into a "TSV" columnar GAF 2.0 row as a list of strings. """ props_list = ["{key}={value}".format(key=key, value=value) for key, value in] return [ str(, "NOT" if self.negated else "", str(self.relation), str(, "|".join([str(ref) for ref in self.evidence.has_supporting_reference]), str(self.evidence.type), ConjunctiveSet.list_to_str(self.evidence.with_support_from), str(self.interacting_taxon) if self.interacting_taxon else "", ymd_str(, "-"), self.provided_by, ConjunctiveSet.list_to_str(self.object_extensions, conjunct_to_str=lambda conj: conj.display()), "|".join(props_list) ]
[docs] def to_hash_assoc(self) -> dict: """ Converts the GoAssociation into the old style dictionary association for backwards compatibility """ subject = { "id": str(, "label": self.subject.label, "type": gp_type_label_to_curie(self.subject.type[0]), "fullname": self.subject.fullname[0], "synonyms": self.subject.synonyms, "taxon": { "id": str(self.subject.taxon) } } obj = { "id": str(, "taxon": str(self.object.taxon) } subject_extensions = [{"property": str(subj.relation), "filler": str(subj.term)} for subj in self.subject_extensions] disjunctions = [] for conjset in self.object_extensions: conjunctions = [] for extension in conjset.elements: conjunctions.append(extension.to_hash(use_label=True)) disjunctions.append({"intersection_of": conjunctions}) object_extensions = {} if len(disjunctions) > 0: object_extensions["union_of"] = disjunctions withfrom_flat = [] for withfrom in self.evidence.with_support_from: for curie in withfrom.elements: withfrom_flat.append(str(curie)) evidence = { "type": ecomap.ecoclass_to_coderef(str(self.evidence.type))[0], "has_supporting_reference": [str(ref) for ref in self.evidence.has_supporting_reference], "with_support_from": withfrom_flat } return { "source_line": self.source_line, "subject": subject, "object": obj, "negated": self.negated, "qualifiers": [str(q) for q in self.qualifiers], "aspect": self.aspect, "relation": { "id": str(self.relation) }, "interacting_taxon": self.interacting_taxon, "evidence": evidence, "provided_by": self.provided_by, "date": ymd_str(, ""), "subject_extensions": subject_extensions, "object_extensions": object_extensions }
def annotation_property_values(self, property_key: str) -> List: fetched_prop_values = [value for key, value in if key == property_key] return fetched_prop_values